Tips For Young Visitors
Preparing To Visit
Set behavior expectations for your child before you visit the library.
Speak in a “library voice” and ask before pulling books or DVDs off of the shelf. Find a bag to take with you to collect all books and DVDs in that you intend to borrow.
Take your children to the bathroom before, and or bring along your diaper bag. This is so easy to forget as you round up your children, books, and movies. Bring along a stroller for infants or toddlers who can’t yet control their hands.
Go online and look to see what documents your library requires in order to get a library card. Typically is a driver’s license and a copy of a recent bill showing proof of address.
Take along a list of Recommended Books. If you’re new to using the local library begin with a list of Classics/Favorites (check out this 100 Best Book List from I usually make a list or at least a mental list of books to look for and then my son or I find others that look interesting. You can also search for books that correlate with your child’s favorite author, genre, theme, animals, sport, etc.

While You Are Here . . . . .
Create/have a routine. Use your library bag to collect all the items you intend to check-out.
Keep any younger children who might run off or grab and pull things off shelves in a stroller. Find a book for them to hold and look at while you help your other children find books.
Look for specialty or seasonal books. Some libraries place seasonal stickers on the bookbinding or display them on a special shelf or display case.
Ask a librarian for a calendar or list of activities, such as storytimes, teen book clubs, toddler storytimes with activities, etc.
Take Care Of "Borrowed Goods"
Remind your children that “borrowing” something means that we have to return it. It is kind and respectful to take good care of things that you borrow.
Keep all library books for all members of your family in a “library book” basket in your living room or another special room where you enjoy reading together.
Keep markers, crayons, scissors, stickers, glue and other “dangerous weapons” for library books in another room or location.
Keep your library movies in a special place, separate from your home movie collection.
Mark, your calendar to remind you of your library book/DVDs due date. I have always been bad at returning books to the library my entire life… until now! My secret is that we go to the library every other week on Fridays (the day everything we borrow is due back). Most libraries give you books and DVDs for two weeks. My oldest son always looks forward to our Friday Library Visits